Madtown Throwdown
The second off-season event for 2023 hosted by Team 1323 & 1671. More details to come
Cal Games
The Iron Panthers are attending their first competition of the 2023-2024 of season! They are excited to introduce their new members to their first FRC competition. It is hosted by Team 100, The WildHats.
Monterey Bay Regional
We were 3rd alliance captains at our last competition of the season and we won the Autonomous Award! Thanks to Homestead Robotics (670) and Presentation Invasion (2135) for playing with us during elims.
Sacramento Regional
We were 3rd alliance captains at our second competition of the season and we made it all the way to semifinals! Thanks to Pumpkin Bots (8793), SOTA Cyberdragons (5700), and OtterBots (7667) for playing with us. We also won the Autonomous Award!
Central Valley Regional
Our first on-season competition for the 2023 season! We were chosen by 1148, Harvard Westlake Robotics to be a part of their 5th seed alliance, along with 4400, Cerbotics.
Our first off-season competition for the 2022 season! Was the first competition experience for many of our new members and members who were unable to attend competitions last year due to the COVID restrictions.
We were 5th seed alliance captain and chose teams System Overload(6059) and Skywalkers(8404).
Monterey Bay Regional
Our second competition of the season was the Monterey Bay Regional. We were chosen by TKO (1351) to be on the 5th seed alliance, along with System Overload (6059).

Ventura County Regional
Our first in-season, in-person competition was the Ventura County Regional, in Ventura County. Our team did very well, ending in 7th place at the end of qualification matches and as the 5th seed alliance captain. As alliance captains, we partnered with Mortorq (1515) and The Mechapirates (5136).
Chezy Champs
Our second off-season competition was Chezy Champs. Although we did not place as high as we had hoped, it was an amazing learning experience and all of our members who attended had a blast.

For our first off-season competition, CalGames, our whole team is extremely grateful of everyone that attended, whether they were scouting, taking pictures, or helping in the pits. Although our new driveteam has only had about a month of practice, we made it to finals and our whole team is so unbelievably proud of all our driveteam members.

Madtown Throwdown
For this competition, our team decided to experiment with different mechanisms and built a new robot, the Fathership! We placed #25 in the qualification matches, and then partnered with 4171 Baybots, 100 Wildhats, and 5104 Breakerbots in the 8th Seed Alliance. Though we did not make it to Semifinals, everyone had an amazing time rooting for our team and watching other matches! We also won the Wes Walter Wow Factor Award, most likely due to our ambitious suction triple climb.

Chezy Champs
We had a blast at Chezy Champs, completing three triple climbs throughout the competition! We were also excited to be part of the 4th seed alliance with 114 Eagle Strike, 3309 Friarbots, and 1671 Buchanan Bird Brains.

Houston World Championships
The Iron Panthers is part of the winning alliance in the 2019 FRC Destination: Deep Space! Thanks to all of our sponsors and families who have helped make our dream a reality!!
Our FRC team, along with 973 The Greybots, 1323 Madtown Robotics, and 4201 The Vitruvian Bots, competed in Einstein representing the Newton Subdivision and finished the 2019 Houston Championships as the new World Champions!
The Iron Panthers finished the Newton Subdivision in Rank 21 and was the second pick for the Newton first-seed alliance.